1-Disinfectant & Cleaner for Floor & Surface
Concentrated formula for cleaning and disinfection
of surfaces and Floors of the Hospitals, Clinics
2-QAC Cleaner &Disinfectant spray for hard environmental surface
Ready -to-use formula for cleaning and disinfection of
Hard environmental Surface
3-Small Surface Disinfectant for medical equipment
Alcohol – based – formula sprayer for cleaning and
disinfection of small medical equipment surface
4-Surface Disinfectant spray for medical clinics (DDAB)
Ready -to-use formula for cleaning and disinfection
of surface of Clinics
5-Surface Disinfectant spray for medical clinics (CHX 0.5%)
Ready -to-use formula for cleaning and disinfection
of surface ofClinics
6-Surface Disinfectant spray for medical clinics (QACs)
Ready -to-use formula for cleaning and disinfection of
surface of Clinics
7-Surface Disinfectant Wipes for medical clinics
Alcohol – based – formula wipes for cleaning and
disinfection of surfaces of medical equipment